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GIA Discourse and 5 year Strategy

In 2018, the GIA Strategy Team (Raina Armstrong, Jess Noel-Smith, Davinder Lota, Scott McCauly, Robin Webster and myself) developed an intensive workshop programme to discuss the future of architecture and the RIAS in Scotland.

The events were open to everyone interested in architecture and the future. They sought to stimulate discussion and debate under a series headings that included ‘Social purpose and the route to power’, ‘Enabling talent and opportunity’, ‘Value and Labour’ and ‘Sustainability and Ethics’.  Local practices, including Hoskins Architects, Page and Park, Collective Architecture and John Gilbert Architects, agreed to host and shape these events. 

Through a combination of hard work, campaigning, dedication and determination by a wide range of people within, and out-with, the Incorporation the RIAS has reformed and been reinvigorated.

An RIAS Strategy Group was established to represent all Chapters, led by Karen Anderson, with the mandate to engage with members and beyond. The Strategy group’s work over the coming months seeks to embolden and support Local Chapters as a priority action.  Going forward, it would be exciting to imagine the possibilities this might bring and the GIA Strategy Team welcomes everyone’s views on this.

Jude’s involvement in A New Chapter, and subsequent contributions to GIA and RIAS Committees, over the past year has been both challenging and invigorating. What is has demonstrated is that there are many people willing to engage in discussions concerning the future of architecture if they are meaningfully invited to take part and given an truly open platform to be represented and heard. 

We look forward to working together to ensure that our Chapter-led Incorporation can lead, flourish and evolve to pursue aims of support, unity and excellence in architecture. GIA team continue to work hard to listen to all members, non-members and everyone that is active in the creation of the built environment to ensure the RIAS positions itself as an effective, progressive organisation fit for the 21st Century – and for this to be reflected in the future strategy going forward.